
Dyer’s experience and superior gage designs result in better bore gaging

Non-tipping, two point contact “hands off” bore gages

Dyer is a technical leader in bore gages. We have a large selection of proven gage designs to choose from when we are evaluating a bore measuring application. Many of our new designs make bore measuring a “Hands off” process.

Advances in gage technology and electronics have brought significant improvements to the bore measuring process. Dyer’s non-tipping two point contact bore gages assure parts manufacturers that the accuracy and repeatability of a measurement does not depend on the skill of the operator. These “hands off” gages guarantee that every measurement taken is correct and Gage R & R capable.

Eliminating Operator Error A look at the operation of a nontipping gage will show the instrument’s advantages. The gaging process is quick and easy. The operator inserts the gage and takes a reading without having to do any rocking or aligning. Operator influence is a problem of the past.

Superior Design and Construction Here are real reasons Dyer’s bore gages are the industry’s best performers.

  • Linearity ± 0.000040″ (± 0.001 mm) a simple direct transfer of the contact point movement to the measurement

indicator. This results in the best linear accuracy.

  • Repeatability

± 0.000040″ ( ± 0.001 mm)

Automatic Centering

The correct self-centering base for each measuring range assures axial and radial alignment in each bore every time it measures.

Gage Stability

Heat Stabilization. The handles (measuring transfer shafts) of all Dyer precision bore gages are made from Invar steel, a special alloyed steel that resists temperature change. This eliminates errors due to circulating temperatures.


Gage I.D.: General Gage R & R          Comments: Mastered @ 25.40mm         No. Trials: 2

Spec. Limits: 25.375 / 25.426 Characteristic: Main Bore ID No. Operatiors: 3 No. Parts: 10

Operator A Operator B Operator C
1 Trial 2 Trial Range 1 Trial 2 Trial Range 1 Trial 2 Trial Range
1 25.386 25.385 0.001 1 25.386 25.385 0.001 1 25.384 25.385 0.001
2 25.384 25.384 0.000 2 25.384 25.384 0.000 2 25.383 25.383 0.000
3 25.382 25.382 0.000 3 25.382 25.381 0.000 3 25.381 25.381 0.000
4 25.383 25.383 0.000 4 25.383 25.382 0.001 4 25.382 25.382 0.000
5 25.382 25.382 0.000 5 25.352 25.381 0.001 5 25.381 25.381 0.000
6 25.382 25.380 0.002* 6 25.381 25.380 0.001 6 25.381 25.381 0.000
7 25.382 25.382 0.000 7 25.383 25.381 0.002* 7 25.382 25.381 0.001
8 25.384 25.384 0.000 8 25.385 25.384 0.001 8 25.385 25.384 0.001
9 25.384 25.384 0.000 9 25.383 25.383 0.000 9 25.383 25.383 0.000
10 25.382 25.381 0.001 10 25.381 25.380 0.001 10 25.381 25.381 0.000
Totals 253.831 253.827 0.004 Totals 253.830 253.821 0.009 Totals 253.823 253.822 0.003


Xbar A


Rbar A




Xbar B


Rbar B




Xbar C 25.3823 Rbar C


Rp: 0.0043 TV: 0.0076 R: 0.0005

UCL-R: 0.0017

Max X: 25.3829       *  Limit of individual R’s. Correct Rbar by repeating those readings using Min X: 25.3823           the same appraiser and unit or discard the values and reaverage and X Diff: 0.0007     recompute R-bar and the value UCL-R.
Measurement Unit Analysis: Process Variation Analysis: Tolerance Analysis: TOL = 0.0510
Equipment Variation (E.V.) E.V. = 0.0024 % Equipment Variation (E.V.)

% E.V. = 31.94%

% Equipment Variation (E.V.)

% E.V. = 4.77%

Appraiser Varation (A.V.) A.V. = 0.0017 % Appraiser Variation (A. V.)

% e. v. = 31.94%

% Appraiser Variation (A.V.)

% A.V. = 3.27%

Repeatbility & Reproductbility R & R = 0.0029 % Repeatability & Reproducibility

% R & R = 38.73%

% Repeatability & Reproducibility

% R & R = 5.78%

Process Variation (P.V.) P.V. = 0.0070 % Process Variation (P.V.)

% P.V. = 92.19%

% Process Variation (P.V.)

% P.V. = 13.76%